BabyStat Coalition
Why It's Important
The BabyStat Coalition coordinates the city’s home visiting programs and ensures that there is a direct linkage to other MCH oriented organizations associated with BHB. These programs provide in-home health education and social services to pregnant and newly delivered women. BHB home visiting programs provide city-wide coverage and are comprised of evidence-based and promising practice models. Several of the national home visiting models used in Baltimore City have been proven to improve birth outcomes, increase intervals between pregnancies, support maternal self-sufficiency, and reduce child abuse.
How It Works
The BabyStat Coalition consists of representatives from BHB home visiting programs, which are implemented by community-based organizations and the Baltimore City Health Department. The group meets monthly to ensure effective coordination and implementation of the citywide home visiting and centralized intake systems, share and review data, and provide resources for linkages and referrals.
What the Coalition is Doing
The BabyStat Coalition has achieved many of their goals over the past decade, including improving the centralized intake system, expanding home visiting programs citywide, standardizing performance measures and reporting, and working to improve implementation from referral to retention. Pregnant women enter the home visiting system through HealthCare Access Maryland, a centralized intake system, and are triaged into appropriate programs based on risk. This single point of entry ensures that there is no duplication of service and that families are connected to all resources that are available to them.
Who is at the Table
Nurse Family Partnership—Implemented by Baltimore City Health Department, Maternal and Infant Care, Bureau of Maternal and Child Health in partnership with Baltimore Medical System, Inc.
Healthy Families America—Led by Family League of Baltimore and implemented by DRU/Mondawmin Healthy Families, Inc., Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, The Family Tree, Roberta’s House
HealthCare Access Maryland • Early Head Start • Baltimore Healthy Start Federal • Family Connects Maryland • Annie E. Casey Foundation • Baltimore Infants and Toddlers Program • Baltimore City Health Department Asthma Program • B’more for Healthy Babies Upton Druid Heights