B'more for Healthy Babies Communities Upton/Druid Heights
Where We Work
Upton/Druid Heights is home to 10,342 residents and more than 200 new babies each year. While the area has a high rate of poverty, it has a rich history with many community assets and a resilient population working to improve the area’s conditions. In 2016, BHB/UDH expanded its successful program into the Greater Mondawmin community.
How We Do Our Work
The University of Maryland Schools of Medicine and Social Work Promise Heights are the lead agencies in the communities of Upton and Druid Heights and Greater Mondawmin. This initiative is composed of Resource Parents (Certified Community Health Workers) and peer leaders from the communities we serve, under the direction of the Clinical Instructor and Director. Our Community Collaborative of ten partner organizations meets monthly to identify needs in the community, promote referrals among partners, and share the recommendations from the Fetal-Infant Mortality Review. We also convene a wider meeting of the Neighborhood Action Team that brings together residents, partner organizations, and others to rally around a common action, community initiative or legislation.
Based in Payne Memorial African Episcopal Methodist Church Nimrod Building, BHB/UDH works with many partners who together provide a network of resources for pregnant and postpartum women and their families. Our Resource Parents provide evidence-based and evidence-informed services that build upon the strengths of the family to ensure positive birth and early parenting experiences. They offer regularly scheduled programs to provide education and support around pregnancy, parenting, and breastfeeding. They use a two generational approach in educating expectant parents and other caregivers about safe sleep, smoking cessation, breastfeeding, and reproductive health. A Resource Dad, who is based in Frederick Douglass High School in Mondawmin, leads the father engagement component. All programming strives to address the social determinants of health, adverse childhood experiences, and adverse community exposures and to disrupt structural inequities.
Members of the U/DH BHB Team and the Collaborative serve on a number of BHB Coalitions, the Core Implementation Team, and the Fetal and Infant Mortality Review.
What We Do
Some of our ongoing activities include:
Outreach to promote access to prenatal care and primary care services, and community resources
Moms Clubs for both prenatal education and postpartum support
Breastfeeding support groups, led by two certified lactation consultants
Parenting classes and events utilizing the ‘Circle of Security’ and the ‘Parent Café’ curricula
Case management services
Father engagement activities
What We’ve Accomplished
Reduced infant mortality by 52% since 2011
Prior to 2020, had 4.5 consecutive years without a sleep-related infant death
Maintained long-lasting partnerships with 7 community partners
Established workforce development for BHB participants to obtain employment with BHB or community partners
Who is at the Table
Community Partners
Association of American Medical Colleges • Baltimore City Community College • Booker T. Washington Middle School • Cutting Edge Barbershop • Cutt Styles Barbershop • Druid Hill YMCA • Dru-Mondawmin Healthy Families • Esquire Barbershop • Frederick Douglass High School • Furman L Templeton Academy • Illusions Barbershop • Judy Centers • Leonard E. Hicks Childcare Center • Leonard E. Hicks Community Center • Pedestal Gardens • Pennsylvania Avenue AME Zion Church • Pennsylvania Avenue Enoch Pratt Free Library • Renaissance Academy • Robert C Marshall Recreation Center • St. James Episcopal Church • Total Healthcare Inc. • Union Baptist Head Start • University of Maryland Dental School • University of Maryland Department of Family and Community Medicine • University of Maryland Medical Center • University of Maryland Midtown Campus • University of Maryland School of Nursing • University of Maryland Women’s Center
Supporting Agencies
Baltimore City Health Department • B’more for Healthy Babies Faith-based Initiative • Family League of Baltimore City • University of Maryland School of Social Work @Promise Heights • University of Maryland School of Medicine