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Precious Purple Sunday 2021
Violence in the community: Its effects on the family unit and our children’s ability to thrive
Sunday, September 19 at 3PM

Violence can have short- and long-term impacts on a communities' mental and physical health, both visible and invisible. The violence in Baltimore City, and the subsequent trauma it inflicts, is a result of racism, not race.


Racism poisons and devalues Black bodies starting when they’re in the womb. We have to do better. Baltimore’s babies deserve to be born healthy in thriving families and communities.


Please join us in committing to support Baltimore's babies and families. 

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Register for Precious Purple Sunday

This year, Precious Purple Sunday will be virtual. Join us for an engaging webinar featuring expert voices committed to creating a Baltimore where all babies are born healthy 


Show Your Support

You do not have to be part of a congregation to lift up Baltimore's babies. On September 19, wear purple and post photos of yourself and your loved ones using the hashtag #PreciousPurpleSunday.

Image by Sara Kurfeß

Create Awareness about Black Maternal and Infant Health 

Use our social media toolkit to post important facts about how racism drives health disparities. These messages will highlight areas of hope and areas for growth. 

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